FoldIndex© about
hydrophobicityKyte & Doolittle
Sequence area
graph's vertical scale
graph Phobic values
graph Charge values
FoldIndex© can be automatized:
FoldIndex can be used as a Web Service for remote and automatic data processing by accessing this URL:
where m is xml or json, as described below, and sq is the one character code protein sequence, no spaces. Here simple working examples in Python and Perl using this technique.

The server will send back the result the XML format requested by the user.
If the m (mode) parameter is set to json, FoldIndex© will send back the results in JSON format.
If the m (mode) parameter is set to xml, FoldIndex© will send back the results in XML format (DTD, sample XML).

Cross-referencing FoldIndex:
You may use either a UniProt or PDB id instead of a sequence for a direct Cross-Reference to FoldIndex. These examples demonstrate how to indicate the sequence to work on. You may combine this with any of the other options (ie: xml output, window size):

sequence of chain B from PDB entry 2JBH
sequence from UniProt P77990
About: FoldIndex© tries to answer to the question: Will this protein fold?

It's a dynamic and interactive process that estimates the local and general probability for the provided sequence, under specified conditions, to fold.
Built from ideas by Jaime Prilusky, Tzviya Zeev-Ben-Mordehai, Edwin Rydberg, Clifford Felder, Israel Silman and Joel L. Sussman, based on algorithm proposed by Uversky VN, Gillespie JR, and Fink AL. Why are "natively unfolded" proteins unstructured under physiologic conditions? Proteins 2000; 41:415-427.

A paper on FoldIndex is available in abstract , and PDF.

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